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Sunday, December 10, 2006



It has to be from Hull TO Liverpool. The leaving of Liverpool is a wrench but the homecoming is worth the pain of leaving. The joy of slowing down as you come to the rocket, the thrill of getting in the middle lanes and go under the underpass to go down Edge Lane, and the exhilaration of making it past the JC4U painted garage door as you round the corner at the top of Mount Vernon. But the best bit is seeing the tips of the tops of the cathedrals getting bigger as you get closer to Hope St. Can you tell I am missing home?
Ps to Hull and Back is a classic subtitle. Loving your work!


further to my previous post - if you go to http://www.edgelane.com/flythrough/flythrough.asp there is a great virtual video of what your return to Edge Lane might look like in the future. Madness gone mad!

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