Talks given as vicar (initially priest-in-charge) of the Churches of Clapham, Keasden, Austwick, Eldroth.
(Where no venue is named, this was a joint churches' or online service)
8/9/2024 Beyond the Three Rs - A Sermon for Education Sunday (The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
1/9/2024 Don’t scoff at the scoffers (The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
18/8/2024 Tell out, my soul: the functional art of our calling (The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
11/8/2024 In a hellish world, hungry for the Bread of Life (The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
4/8/2024 Sleeping with Bread- growing up into him every day (The Tenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
28/7/2024 The Woman in Red: a Celebration (Morning Prayer Service for ‘The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever’ on the Feast of St Mary Magdalene, Clapham)
28/7/2024 The God in the Bread: A Sermon for Lammas (The Ninth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
21/7/2024 Compassion for the crowds (The Eighth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
14/7/2024 When mercy and truth meet together: on the Doncaster train (The Seventh Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
7/7/2024 Get up, stand up - the end of exile, from Ezekiel to the Chagos Islanders (The Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
30/6/2024 Shake it off: joy in the morning means the healing of us all (The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Benefice Service)
23/6/2024 Waving or drowning: do you care if we are perishing? (The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
16/6/2024 Mustard seeds and cockateels: creation’s two-way conversation (The Third Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham 'Easy Church', Eldroth)
9/6/2024 Not the time for forgetfulness: for our brothers and sisters in Sudan (The Second Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
2/6/2024 What if 'The market was made for humankind, and not humankind for the market’? (The First Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
26/5/2024 Among a people of unclean lips, in God, there is no condemnation (Trinity Sunday, Austwick, Clapham)
19/5/2024 It will always be Pentecost in the church (Pentecost, Austwick, Eldroth)
5/5/2024 Thank God for this gift of song (The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Austwick)
28/4/2024 On the Gaza road, a meeting of hearts and minds (The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Austwick)
21/4/2024 The world's favourite psalm (The Fourth Sunday of Easter, Austwick, Clapham 'Easy Church', Eldroth)
17/2/2024 "I will draw all people to myself” (2024) (The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham 'Easy Church')
3/2/2024 Protecting what is loved: the angry Jesus in The Temple (The Third Sunday of Lent, Eldroth, Clapham)
25/2/2024 In Defence of the Offence of the Cross (The Second Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham)
18/2/2024 In our wilderness, angels minister to us (The First Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham 'Easy Church')
4/2/2024 I am your fan (redux): on Christian Formation (The Second Sunday before Lent, Eldroth, Clapham)
28/1/2024 Who will bring consolation to Israel? (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Candlemas, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
21/1/2024 The human person fully alive: let’s drink to that (The Third Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham 'Easy Church')
14/1/2024 Their gifts revealed their wisdom: what the Magi saw (The Epiphany, transferred, Austwick, Keasden)
7/1/2024 Into what were you baptised? (2024) (The Baptism of Christ, Eldroth, Clapham)
31/12/2023 Pondering a larger reality (The First Sunday of Christmas, New Year's Eve, Keasden)
24/12/2023 Peace on earth starts within (2023) (Christmas Eve, Austwick)
17/12/2023 Among you stands one whom you do not know (The Third Sunday of Advent, Clapham)
10/12/2023 “Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God” (The Second Sunday of Advent, Austwick)
3/12/2023 Watch and Pray with the Prophet of the True Way to Peace (The First Sunday of Advent, Eldroth, Clapham)
19/11/2023 The parable of the man who liked to dig (The Second Sunday before Advent, Austwick)
12/11/2023 In a world of conflict, be prepared for love (Remembrance Sunday, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
5/11/2023 May our love not grow cold: being among the peacemakers (The Fourth Sunday before Advent, Eldroth, Clapham)
29/10/2023 To die, like Moses, by the kiss of God (The Last Sunday after Trinity, Clapham)
22/10/2023 New occasions teach new duties: Give to God the things that are God’s (The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham)
15/10/2023 Is this your God, O Israel? (The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick)
8/10/2023 I brought you out of slavery: the commandments and remembering (The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden Harvests)
1/10/2023 Growth resides in the wilderness of Sin (The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham (Harvest))
17/9/2023 Good: or only on our side? Questioning God at the Red Sea Crossing (The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Eldroth)
10/9/2023 In a relationship built on grace and gratitude, the enslaved people go free (The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
3/9/2023 Holy Ground (The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth (Harvest), Clapham)
27/8/2023 Call the Midwife: love and courage, sentiment and steel (The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Clapham)
16/7/2023 God loves soil: humility and reverence before the world (The Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
9/7/2023 Unburdening: life in the divine presence (The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
2/7/2023 No sacrifice necessary - The Lord will provide (2023) (The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
25/6/2023 The Baptised are not a family (2023) (The Third Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
18/6/2023 ‘God has brought laughter for me’ (The Second Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Eldroth)
11/6/2023 They built their altars to the Lord (The First Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden, Newby)
4/6/2023 Transforming our times of watching and waiting (Trinity Sunday, Eldroth, Clapham)
28/5/2023 Pentecost: fellow-travellers reconciled (Pentecost, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
21/5/2023 Holy hauntology: by the Holy Ghost, our dreams of a better life in Christ re-emerge with real potential (The Seventh Sunday of Easter, Sunday after Ascension, Austwick)
7/5/2023 Children of the Kingdom of God: a Coronation reflection (The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Eldroth)
30/4/2023 No more out of sight, out of mind: at the Sheep Gate, saved from Sacrifice (The Fourth Sunday of Easter, Clapham: Benefice Service)
23/4/2023 Keeping on the Way of Joy (The Third Sunday of Easter, Austwick)
16/4/2023 God frees us from death. It is impossible for us to be held in its power (The Second Sunday of Easter, Austwick, Eldroth)
9/4/2023 The Morning People (2023) (Easter Day, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
2/4/2023 Jesus took a donkey - and stole the people’s hearts (Palm Sunday, Eldroth, Keasden)
26/3/2023 Can these bones live? God’s pregnant promise (The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
19/3/2023 There is a line of women (Mothering Sunday, Austwick)
12/3/2023 A woman's world: is this the inspiration she is seeking? (The Third Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Keasden)
5/3/2023 How can anyone be born after having grown old? (The Second Sunday of Lent, Eldroth, Clapham)
26/2/2023 Who told you that you were naked? (The First Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham)
19/2/2023 Take yourself up the mountain; be surrounded by the Cloud of God (The Sunday Next Before Lent, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
12/2/2023 To rest in the grace of the world: something worth fighting for (The Second Sunday Before Lent, Austwick, Keasden)
5/2/2023 Just living towards others: the fast that we choose (The Third Sunday Before Lent, Eldroth, Clapham)
29/1/2023 Our countercultural voice: all God’s children can and should sing (The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, Clapham Lake House: Church in the Pub)
22/1/2023 Seeing the light - a break with business as usual (The Third Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
15/1/2023 We are all followers (The Second Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
8/1/2023 Holy fools: the joy of journeying on hopefully (The Epiphany, Austwick, Keasden)
1/1/2023 New Year’s Day: good news can be terrifying #2 (Second Sunday of Christmas, Eldroth)
24/12/2022 Christmas: good news can be terrifying #1 (Christmas Eve, Midnight, Austwick)
18/12/2022 For Joseph and for Mary: it was a labour of love (Fourth Sunday of Advent, Clapham)
11/12/2022 Weak hands and feeble knees (Third Sunday of Advent, Austwick)
4/12/2022 On Jordan’s bank: crossing over from distrust to understanding (Second Sunday of Advent, Eldroth, Clapham)
27/11/2022 Advent: don't get carried away (First Sunday of Advent, Austwick)
20 November 2022 Redeeming the powers: that’s why we call Jesus our King (Christ the King, Austwick, Clapham)
13 November 2022 Living faithfully in a time of conflict (Remembrance Sunday, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
6 November 2022 To God all are alive: in the midst of death we are in life (Third Sunday before Advent, Eldroth, Clapham)
30 October 2022 Celebrating those who know their hope, their inheritance among the saints (Last Sunday of Trinity, Austwick)
23 October 2022 Opening yourself to the gaze of God: Mother Julian meets two devout men (Nineteenth Sunday of Trinity, Austwick)
18 October 2022 The story of Bertha and Brenda and the baby they both wanted (Collective Worship, Austwick School)
16 October 2022 A Parable about the Pester Power of the Widow who Protested (Eighteenth Sunday of Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
9 October 2022 Being thankful in hard times (Seventeenth Sunday of Trinity, Austwick)
2 October 2022 Guard the good treasure entrusted to you (Sixteenth Sunday of Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
25 September 2022 The Parable of the Prodigal Manager (Fifteenth Sunday of Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
18 September 2022 The Famished Man and The Bloated Man: learning to serve at harvest time (Fourteenth Sunday of Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
11 September 2022 Finding hope in a time of loss (Thirteenth Sunday of Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
4 September 2022 Following the hungry man in a land of hungry people (The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
28 August 2022 A place at the table from the childrens’ perspective (The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
21 August 2022 Following Jesus: faith in motion (The Tenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
31 July 2022 The Creator is the Saviour (Ayashi-chuo Christ Church, Sendai, Japan)
17 July 2022 Illuminating what makes Martha mad (The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
10 July 2022 The Good Samaritan on Sea Sunday (2022) (The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Sea Sunday, Austwick, Keasden)
3 July 2022 Acceptance in a world of rejection, embrace in a world of expulsion (The Third Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
26 June 2022 Renouncing Claudia Winkleman - cultivating the desire to live by the Spirit (The Second Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
19 June 2022 The thankful spirit: empowered to drive evil away (The First Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
12 June 2022 You've got Wisdom about The Trinity (Trinity Sunday, Austwick)
2 and 5 June 2022 “I am among you as one who serves.” (Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee services, Keasden, Austwick, Clapham)
22 May 2022 Shalom for beginners (2022) (The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Austwick)
15 May 2022 Seeking well-being with Zimbabwe’s dry and dusty soil (The Fifth Sunday of Easter, Christian Aid Week, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
8 May 2022 The fisherman, the seamstress and the tanner on The Way of life (The Fourth Sunday of Easter, Austwick, Keasden)
1 May 2022 Encountering Jesus on the Way which leads to peace (The Third Sunday of Easter, Eldroth, Clapham)
24 April 2022 Thomas’ question: how could a crucified God be so merciful? (The Second Sunday of Easter, Austwick)
17 April 2022 New beginnings start with weeping (Easter Day, Austwick, Clapham)
10 April 2022 Not travelling to Jerusalem on a T-64 tank: no, peace comes riding a donkey (Palm Sunday, Austwick, Keasden)
3 April 2022 “The Scent of Love” by Thomas L. Truby (The Fifth Sunday of Lent, Eldroth, Clapham)
27 March 2022 Mother’s Day and Mothering Sunday: more than cards and flowers (Mothering Sunday, The Fourth Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Keasden)
20 March 2022 Repentance and reorientation - breaking the bonds of blame (2022) (The Third Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham)
13 March 2022 King of the jungle or mother hen: brooding over Jerusalem (The Second Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Keasden)
6 March 2022 Kramskoi’s Christ in the Desert: under the rags of our broken existence, a life-affirming force awaits (The First Sunday of Lent, Eldroth, Clapham)
27 February 2022 Transfiguration - coming down from the mountain, lifting the veil (The Sunday Next Before Lent, Austwick)
20 February 2022 "I will calm your storm" (The Second Sunday Before Lent, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
13 February 2022 If Christ is raised from the dead: hearing the music in the dance of life (The Third Sunday Before Lent, Austwick, Keasden)
6 February 2022 The Parable of the Tiny Trawler and the Fly-Shooter: first steps towards Total Ministry (The Fourth Sunday Before Lent, Eldroth)
23 January 2022 From exile to the slow repair of our social fabric: creating space for recovery (The Third Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Keasden)
16 January 2022 Water into wine: the astonishing generosity of God in a world of scarcity (The Second Sunday of Epiphany, Clapham, Eldroth)
9 January 2022 We follow the Light (The Epiphany, Austwick, Keasden)
2 January 2022 Fleshing out the word, in truth and blazing grace (The Second Sunday of Christmas Eve, Clapham)
24 December 2021 A sort of homecoming: Joseph and Mary’s first Christmas (Christmas Eve, Austwick)
19 December 2021 Mary: the girl at the centre of a world about to turn (The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Clapham)
12 December 2021 Whatever we bring to the table is welcome: encountering the John the Baptists of today (The Third Sunday of Advent, Keasden)
5 December 2021 The prophetic turn: We do not live in the world we think we live in, but we can shape a new and better world (The Second Sunday of Advent, Eldroth, Clapham)
28 November 2021 Listen: for he speaks; watch: for he acts in our time and place (The First Sunday of Advent, Austwick)
21 November 2021 Jesus - king of a resurrected world (Christ the King, Clapham)
14 November 2021 Honouring the fight for a better world: the beginning of the birth pangs (Remembrance Sunday, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
7 November 2021 We are all Ninevites now: acting in hope for survival (The Third Sunday before Advent, Eldroth, Clapham)
17 October 2021 The Feeding of the Five Thousand: the miracle is in the sharing (Clapham Harvest Festival, Eldroth, Austwick School Harvest Festival Service)
10 October 2021 Be wowed by the atoms, seek oneness with the birds, consider the tiniest flower: a manifesto for a thankful life (Austwick Harvest Festival, Keasden)
3 October 2021 The mystery of mastery is that it is achieved through humility (The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
19 September 2021 Restless hearts, open arms (The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, St Columba's Church, Gruline)
13 September 2021 A eulogy for Gladys Chippendale (Waterloo United Free Church)
12 September 2021 The tongue is a fire: from the ashes of a Lakeland blaze (The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
5 September 2021 Have faith and sow some seeds (The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth Harvest Festival, Clapham)
22 August 2021 The Booths and their struggle with the powers (The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick)
15 August 2021 In a rapidly-warming world, Wisdom has built her house (The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Clapham, Eldroth)
8 August 2021 Tough-Kindness: a prayerful practice that can transform our world (The Tenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
1 August 2021 When did you become an adult? Growing up into maturity (The Ninth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth)
18 July 2021 Poor old Mo Farah - elevation and relegation in a world of famished cravings (The Eighth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
18 July 2021 How we long to be gathered in safety (The Seventh Sunday after Trinity, Clapham, Eldroth)
11 July 2021 Redeeming Salome: let the little daughter dance (The Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
4 July 2021 Prophets without honour at home: destroying those we love, loving those we destroy (The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Clapham)
27 June 2021 Man, interrupted: becoming a listener to a woman’s whole truth (The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick)
20 June 2021 “Those who go down to the sea in ships…” Overcoming our sea blindness (The Third Sunday after Trinity, Clapham, Eldroth)
13 June 2021 The mustard seed and the wood-wide-web: introducing the kin-dom of God (The Second Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
30 May 2021 Trinity Sunday - searching together for answers to the mysteries (Trinity Sunday)
23 May 2021 Speaking in other tongues: a way to right wrongs (Pentecost)
16 May 2021 We are One? The call to be strong and benign (The Seventh Sunday of Easter)
13 May 2021 After saying ‘goodbye’: A poem for Ascension Day (Ascension Day)
9 May 2021 How can we withhold the water? (The Sixth Sunday of Easter - Christian Aid Week)
2 May 2021 “How can I understand, unless someone guides me?” (The Fifth Sunday of Easter)
25 April 2021 The sheep of every fold (The Fourth Sunday of Easter)
18 April 2021 The disabled God, living into the resurrection (The Third Sunday of Easter)
11 April 2021 A day to give thanks for the questioners (The Second Sunday of Easter)
4 April 2021 There will be a day of resurrection (Easter Day)
28/3/2021 He put on a panto for Pilate (Palm Sunday)
21/3/2021 "I will draw all people to myself” (The Fifth Sunday of Lent)
7/3/2021 Anger fuelling hope for redemption: Jesus in The Temple (The Third Sunday of Lent)
28/2/2021 Suffering Jesus, the resistant Messiah (The Second Sunday of Lent)
21/2/2021 Jesus: alone (The First Sunday of Lent)
14/2/2021 How do you see Jesus? (The Sunday Next before Lent)
7/2/2021 Rebirth and reconciliation: Creation starts with Christ (The Second Sunday before Lent)
31/1/2021 Fresh imaginings: giving thanks for what God does offstage (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple)
24/1/2021 What happens when our wine runs out? (The Third Sunday of Epiphany)
17/1/2021 ‘Follow me’… ‘Come and see’ (The Second Sunday of Epiphany)
10/1/2021 We draw from deep wells (Come on, Marine!) (The Baptism of Christ)
3/1/2021 Singing new songs at the king's court (The Epiphany)
27/12/2020 All Creation is made for praise (First Sunday of Christmas)
25/12/2020 Christmas: God Umasked (Christmas Eve / Christmas Day)
13 and 20/12/2020 A Christmas Celebration 2020 - Not your usual Lessons and Carols (The Third and Fourth Sundays of Advent)
6/12/2020 Voices in the wilderness of today (The Second Sunday of Advent)
15/11/2020 “You’re fired!” The Ruthless Businessman: a parable about leadership (The Second Sunday before Advent)
8/11/2020 Being vigilant for wisdom: the practice of ‘Standing To’ (Remembrance Sunday)
1/11/2020 Singing through the struggles, praising through the pan(dem)ic: this is the way of The Saints (All Saints Day)
25/10/2020 How do you love people? (The Last Sunday after Trinity)
18/10/2020 Red Letter Christians in a World feeling Blue (The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity)
11/10/2020 The Church is the party no-one wants to come to: a lament (The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity)
4/10/2020 When we put property before providence: a parable of violence in the vineyard (The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity)
20/9/2020 Good news? The least deserving get the best reward (The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity)
13/9/2020 Reprieved debtor, ruthless creditor: a tale of forgiveness in finance (The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity)
6/9/2020 Naive or emancipating? Jesus’ formula of 'forgiveness first' (The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity)
23/8/2020 “Look to the rock from which you were hewn” (The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity)
16/8/2020 Jesus is offensive - are you ready for a rude awakening? (The Tenth Sunday after Trinity)
9/8/2020 Jesus’ signature phrase for every anxious time: ‘Do not be afraid’ (The Ninth Sunday after Trinity)
2/8/2020 “You that have no money, come, buy and eat!” - God’s economy reorganises the world (The Eighth Sunday after Trinity)
26/7/2020 Treasures old and new: my time capsule (The Seventh Sunday after Trinity)
19/7/2020 Breaking news: there will be no apocalyptic harvest (The Sixth Sunday after Trinity)
12/7/2020 At sea with the elemental Spirit of Christ (The Fifth Sunday after Trinity: Sea Sunday)
5/7/2020 Come, all you weary and burdened, at a time of the Coronavirus (The Fourth Sunday after Trinity)
28/6/2020 It’s time to get the water on (The Third Sunday after Trinity)
21/6/2020 Lockdown relief - or losing life to find it (The Second Sunday after Trinity)
14/6/2020 Compassion or condemnation: on crowds (The First Sunday after Trinity)
7/6/2020 Protected in the company of the Three (Trinity Sunday)
31/5/2020 There is a Spirit journeying through the nation. Let’s catch it (Pentecost)
24/5/2020 Presence in absence - absence in presence: Ascension in Zoom time (Seventh Sunday of Easter: The Sunday after Ascension Day)
17/5/2020 Groping our way towards the unknown god (Sixth Sunday of Easter)
10/5/2020 We don’t know where we’re going. How can we know the way? (Fifth Sunday of Easter: Christian Aid Week Sunday)
3/5/2020 Scattered, but searching for each other: the flock community (Fourth Sunday of Easter)
26/4/2020 Although we may not know it, he walks beside us: applauding the unknown stranger (Third Sunday of Easter)
19/4/2020 Behind closed doors, birthing a living hope (Second Sunday of Easter)
12/4/2020 With fear and great joy: Easter at a time of the Coronavirus (Easter Day)
10/4/2020 Embracing the trauma, searching for wisdom (Good Friday)
5/4/2020 Lament: in a time of God’s silence (Palm Sunday)
29/3/2020 Can these bones live? - the breath of life in a time of the coronavirus (The Fifth Sunday of Lent)
15/3/2020 Down at the well, looking for love (The Third Sunday of Lent, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
8/3/2020 The serpent and the pole: healing in a difficult place (The Second Sunday of Lent, Keasden, Clapham, Austwick)
1/3/2020 A time for happiness: a Lenten meditation (The First Sunday of Lent, Eldroth)
23/2/2020 On the mountaintop - losing ourselves in God, to find ourselves (The Sunday Next Before Lent, Austwick, Clapham)
26/1/2020 A lesson from the North: defying the darkness to find ways to shine (Third Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
19/1/2020 "What are you looking for?" - sharing faith in a sceptical age (Second Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
12/1/2020 Believing in Baptism (Baptism of Christ, Keasden, Clapham, Austwick)
5/1/2020 Epiphany: Wise men kneeling (Epiphany, Austwick, Keasden)
24/12/2019 Finding the right Word (Christmas Eve, Austwick)
22/12/2019 Joseph: when doing the right thing feels like doing the wrong thing (Fourth Sunday of Advent, Clapham)
15/12/2019 Advent: don’t take offence (Third Sunday of Advent, Austwick, Clapham)
1/12/2019 Advent: don't get carried away (First Sunday of Advent, Eldroth, Keasden)
24/11/2019 Ring the bells that still can ring (Sermon for Bellringers Service, Christ the King, Clapham)
24/11/2019 If we really believed that the living God was king (Christ the King, Austwick, Keasden)
17/11/2019 Luke’s Apocalypse: expressing vividly the signs of the times (Second Sunday before Advent, Austwick, Clapham)
10/11/2019 Remembrance: Christ in Flanders (Remembrance Sunday, Austwick, Clapham)
27/10/2019 Your grief is your own - a reflection for All Souls Day (All Souls Service, Austwick)
27/10/2019 The Saints as signs of contradiction (2019) (All Saints Day, Eldroth)
20/10/2019 Stewardship #2: What is our church's story? (Bible Sunday, Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham)
27/10/2019 Stewardship: Giving in gratitude and justice (Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
13/10/2019 The one who came back - a talk for Prisons Week (Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, Keasden, Clapham, Austwick)
6/10/2019 The Faith of our Forebears: a Harvest-time reflection (Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham Harvest Festival services)
29/9/2019 The revelry of this lounger is passing away (Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth - United Harvest Festival service)
22/9/2019 Forgive anyway! (Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, St Columba's Church, Gruline)
15/9/2019 On a lost Earth, turning our laments into Harvest songs (Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden - Harvest Festival)
8/9/2019 Choosing life on God’s wonderful broken Earth (Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Keasden, Clapham, Austwick)
1/9/2019 Power games to place of grace: Friend, move up higher (Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth)
18/8/2019 Christian Family Values: interpreting the times (Ninth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
11/8/2019 Crying and laughing: faith, the perception of the incongruity (Eighth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
4/8/2019 Plan alone, build alone, indulge alone, and die alone! A rabbi breaks the rules (Seventh Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Keasden)
30/7/2019 Eulogy for Auntie Dot (Funeral of Dorothy Jones, St Luke's Church, Crosby)
28/7/2019 Teach us how to pray: the best question a disciple can ask (Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
21/7/2019 In the Drama Triangle with Martha and Mary (Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
14/7/2019 The parable of the innkeeper: how interruptions rescue the world (Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
7/7/2019 Faithful disciples cause Satan’s fall (Third Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Keasden)
30/6/2019 Following the signs - taking our notice - living in the Spirit (Second Sunday after Trinity, united service at Keasden)
23/6/2019 The Gerasene demoniac - our mental well-being is a community effort (First Sunday after Trinity, Austwick, Keasden)
16/6/2019 Embracing the Spirit of truth (Trinity Sunday, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
9/6/2019 Columba at Pentecost - Spirit of the Wild Goose (Pentecost and St Columba, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
2/6/2019 Thy Kingdom Come - Praying in Unity (Seventh Sunday of Easter, Eldroth, Keasden)
30/5/2019 Up (Ascension Day, Evening, Settle, Parish Church of the Holy Ascension)
30/5/2019 Ascension: Presence in absence - absence in presence (Ascension Day, Morning, Austwick)
26/5/2019 Alice in Wonderland Festival Service (Sixth Sunday of Easter, Austwick)
26/5/2019 Shalom for beginners (Sixth Sunday of Easter, Clapham)
19/5/2019 Peter's funny picnic - disbelieving the ‘disgusting’ lie (Fifth Sunday of Easter, Austwick, Clapham)
14/5/2019 Matthias and me, in the shadow of Judas (Feast day of the apostle Matthias, Parcevall Hall)
12/5/2019 The fisherman, the tanner and the garment-maker - being ourselves with God (Fourth Sunday of Easter, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
5/5/2015 Other fish to fry (Third Sunday of Easter, Eldroth, Keasden)
28/4/2019 About Thomas - can our doubts help conquer our fears? (Second Sunday of Easter, Austwick, Keasden)
21/4/2019 Easter 2019: This is the time for Resurrection People (Easter Day, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden, Eldroth)
14/4/2019 The donkey-king is coming! Jesus' crowd is a Flash Mob (2019) (Palm Sunday: Austwick, Clapham)
7/4/2019 Mary: abandoning anxiety (The Fifth Sunday of Lent: Eldroth, Keasden)
24/3/2019 Against complacency in an anxious time (The Third Sunday of Lent: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
17/3/2019 Scattering and gathering: still brooding over Jerusalem (The Second Sunday of Lent: Austwick, Clapham)
10/3/2019 Better the Devil you know. Better still: the God who knows you (The First Sunday of Lent: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
3/3/2019 Transfiguration - coming down from the mountain, lifting the veil (The Sunday next before Lent: Eldroth, Keasden)
24/2/2019 Adam and Eve: together, overcoming loneliness (The Second Sunday before Lent: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
17/2/2019 Placed among the poor (The Third Sunday before Lent: St Columba's Church, Gruline)
10/2/2019 What does it take to be a fisherman? Reflecting on vocation, on vacation (The Fourth Sunday before Lent: St Columba's Church, Gruline)
3/2/2019 Jesus in the Temple and the baby in McDonalds: finding Heaven in the Ordinary (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple: Eldroth, Keasden)
27/1/2019 The way of Jesus crosses boundaries: the Nazareth Manifesto in our broken human home (The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
20/1/2019 Jesus: One for the Community - a sideways glance at Christianity in our village (The Third Sunday of Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
13/1/2019 The baptism of Jesus: the road we travel together (The Baptism of Jesus, Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
10/1/2019 Celebrating the Ordinary (Austwick Womens Institute)
6/1/2019 They came from another place - they left by a different road (2019) (The Epiphany, Austwick, Clapham)
30/12/2018 Celebrating the obsessions of twelve year-old boys (Remembering Jim Hart and Amos Oz) (First Sunday of Christmas, United Service, Austwick)
25/12/2018 Christmas Night - A Confectionery (Christmas Day, Eldroth, Keasden)
24/12/2018 Becoming human - the shepherds' instinct, the magis' hunch (Christmas Eve Midnight Communion, Austwick)
18/12/2018 This Christmas, Dream On (Parcevall Hall)
16/12/2018 The judgement of Jesus and the judgement of John (To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love) (The Third Sunday of Advent, Austwick, Clapham)
9/12/2018 A letter from John the Baptiser (2018) (The Second Sunday of Advent, Austwick, Clapham)
2/12/2018 Promises, promises: or just empty words? (The First Sunday of Advent, Eldroth, Keasden)
11/11/2018 Schadenfreude redefined: the salutary tale of Jonah's sad betrayal (Remembrance Sunday, evening: Austwick)
11/11/2018 Answering the silence around the violence of war (Remembrance Sunday: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
4/11/2018 Of all that was done that was good, you have the inheritance (All Souls Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving: Austwick)
4/11/2018 The Saints are in the business of making things new (All Saints Day: Eldroth, Keasden)
28/10/2018 The Word that can be trusted (Bible Sunday: Austwick, Clapham)
21/10/2018 The High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek - remixed (Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity: Eldroth)
14/10/2018 Love comes blinking through the needle's eye (Twentieth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
7/10/2018 For the little ones: elevation and compassion (Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick)
30/9/2018 On being grown-up Christian people (Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity: Eldroth United Service)
23/9/2018 Restless hearts, open arms (Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity: Clapham)
23/9/2018 Avoiding temptation - our vocation (Austwick Harvest Festival)
16/9/2018 God’s earth - our vocation (Keasden Harvest Festival)
16/9/2018 On calling God names (Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham)
9/9/2018 Love is a verb (Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
2/9/2018 A dozen kinds of latte - on overcoming food snobbery and other 'traditions of men' (Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity: Eldroth)
19/8/2018 At home with wisdom (Twelfth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
12/8/2018 Christian Speech: Imitating Christ (Eleventh Sunday after Trinity: Austwick)
5/8/2018 The bread of life is no fad diet - it’s all the nutrition we’ll ever need (Tenth Sunday after Trinity: Eldroth, Keasden)
29/7/2018 Use your loaf: even if it's half-baked (Ninth Sunday after Trinity: Keasden, United Service)
22/7/2018 The Resurrection: Mary meets the Emancipator in Chief (St Mary Magdalene: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
15/7/2018 The spirit of Jesus and the ghost of John (Seventh Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham)
8/7/2018 In our village Jesus has no place (Sixth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
1/7/2018 If God did not make death, we need to talk about it again (Fifth Sunday after Trinity: Eldroth, Keasden)
24/6/2018 On a Boat with Jesus - on the rocks with God (2018) (Fourth Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
17/6/18 The Kingdom of God is like a Homecoming (Third Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Eldroth)
10/6/2018 Jesus - the thief who steals away the madness and evil of the world (Second Sunday after Trinity: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
3/6/2018 On our relationship with scripture (First Sunday after Trinity, Eldroth, Keasden)
27/5/2018 Trinity Sunday: Things come in threes (2018) (Trinity Sunday: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
20/5/2018 That's the Spirit (2018) (Pentecost: Austwick, Clapham)
13/5/2018 John 17 - God’s Protection (The Seventh Sunday of Easter / Sunday after Ascension: Clapham, Keasden, Austwick)
10/5/2018 Up (Ascension: Austwick)
6/5/2018 On bearing fruit (The Sixth Sunday of Easter: Eldroth, Keasden)
29/4/2018 The gospel subversion: turning slaughter to salvation (The Fifth Sunday of Easter: United Service at Clapham)
22/4/2018 On being sheep (2018) (The Fourth Sunday of Easter: Austwick, Clapham, Keasden)
Talks given as rector of the Cam Vale Benefice, Somerset.
18/3/2018 Now is the judgement of this world (2018) (The Fifth Sunday of Lent: Passion Sunday, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
4/3/2018 Turning the tables on the taxman (2018) (The Third Sunday of Lent, Sparkford)
25/2/2018 The Scandal of the Cross and What it Means to Carry Ours (The Second Sunday of Lent, Queen Camel 'Together at Ten')
18/2/2018 Lent: Go wild on God’s earth (The First Sunday of Lent, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
11/2/2018 Communication: it’s how you say it (The Sunday Before Lent, West Camel, Corton Denham, Sutton Montis)
4/2/2018 I Am Your Fan: On Christian Formation (Second Sunday Before Lent, Sparkford, West Camel 'TeaTime', Weston Bampfylde)
21/1/2018 Jesus: One for the Community (Third Sunday of Epiphany, Corton Denham, West Camel)
14/1/2018 Evangelism: Sharing the awakening (Second Sunday of Epiphany, Queen Camel, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
7/1/2018 On Vocation (Baptism of Christ, Sutton Montis)
31/12/2017 New Year: seeking out the vigorous Gospel meme (First Sunday of Christmas, Queen Camel 'Together at Ten', West Camel Methodist Church)
24/12/2017 Peace on earth? Starts within (Christmas Eve 'Midnight' service, Sutton Montis)
17/12/2017 John’s Revelation Trumps Empire’s Apocalypse (Third Sunday of Advent, Corton Denham)
10/12/2017 A letter from John the Baptiser (Second Sunday of Advent, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Sutton Montis)
19/11/2017 What does it take to be a fisherman? On Vocation with Andrew and Elizabeth (Service of Celebration for St Andrew’s Day, with prayers for Queen Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh on their 70th Wedding anniversary)
19/11/2017 In search of leadership in a time of darkness (Second Sunday before Advent, Queen Camel, West Camel)
12/11/2017 Remembrance: no heroes or monsters on this holy ground (Remembrance Sunday, Queen Camel)
5/11/2017 The saints: signs of contradiction (All Saints Sunday, Sparkford - and on 29/10/2017, St Columba, Gruline, Isle of Mull)
15/10/2017 Matthew 22 - Never let a man arrange a wedding? (Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel, West Camel)
8/10/2017 Imitation of violence - imitation of Christ (Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, Sutton Montis)
1/10/2017 Without fear and trembling (Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
24/9/2017 Don’t be a moaner - heed the Sign of Jonah (Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel 'Together at Ten', West Camel Methodist Church)
16/9/2017 Even now in Palestine, imagine a debt-free world (Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, West Camel, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
7/9/2017 What does it take to be a fisherman? A homily on vocation (Bruton and Cary Deanery Clergy Chapter Communion, Queen Camel)
3/9/2017 Take off your cross - to examine it awhile (Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel)
20/8/2017 The offensiveness of Jesus in an age of intemperate speech (Tenth Sunday after Trinity, Sutton Montis Informal Service)
30/7/2017 The Kingdom of Heaven is here (Seventh Sunday after Trinity, Sparkford)
23/7/2017 Jesus the satirical gardener on the road to the future of God (Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Sparkford 'Together at Ten, West Camel Methodist Church)
16/7/2017 Alongside The Sower, getting busy with dirt (Fifth Sunday after Trinity, West Camel, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
9/7/2017 Come, all you weary and burdened, in the Crimewatch generation (Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Corton Denham)
2/7/2017 Bringing Water to The Little Ones: Consolatory Empathy under Grenfell Tower (Third Sunday after Trinity, Sutton Montis, Queen Camel)
18/6/2017 From Lost Sheep to One Love - the path of all Disciples (First Sunday after Trinity, Corton Denham, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
11/6/2017 The Spirit of Unity and Diversity (Trinity Sunday, Corton Denham)
4/6/2017 That's the Spirit (Pentecost, Queen Camel, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
21/4/2017 Gods of yesterday and today (Sixth Sunday of Easter, Corton Denham, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
14/4/2017 The ones we fear, we crucify (Good Friday, West Camel)
2/4/2017 From Mosul to East Africa, to the High Street: can these bones live? (Fifth Sunday of Lent, Sutton Montis, Sparkford, West Camel 'TeaTime', Weston Bampfylde)
30/3/2017 The King who always gave people something good (Countess Gytha Primary School, Queen Camel, Easter Service)
19/3/2017 "He told me everything I have ever done!": on being accepted (Third Sunday of Lent, Queen Camel, Sutton Montis)
12/3/2017 Jesus the serpent: healing in a difficult place (Second Sunday of Lent, Weston Bampfylde)
1/3/2017 Lent: interrupted by God, learning to love Trump (Ash Wednesday, Sutton Montis)
12/2/2017 Choose life - and live it! (Third Sunday before Lent, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Sutton Montis)
29/1/2017 Red-Letter living in the time of Trump (United Methodist Covenant Service, West Camel)
29/1/2017 Lifting up the child (Fourth Sunday of Epiphany, West Camel, Queen Camel)
15/1/2017 Strange Fruit: The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Second Sunday of Epiphany, Sutton Montis, West Camel)
8/1/2017 Their gifts revealed their wisdom: the wise men’s new ways of seeing (Epiphany, West Camel, Corton Denham)
1/1/2017 Resolved to remember, and acting on that remembrance: a New Year’s call to Social Liturgy (Christmas, Queen Camel 'Together at Ten', West Camel 'TeaTime')
24/12/2016 Becoming human in a post-fear world (Christmas Eve midnight service, Sparkford)
18/12/2016 Christmas Night - A Confectionery (Fourth Sunday of Advent, Sutton Montis, also Christmas Day, Queen Camel and, in 2015, Corton Denham)
18/12/2016 Joseph in dreams - sleeping on it is what wise people do (Fourth Sunday of Advent, Sparkford, Corton Denham)
11/12/2016 Weak hands and feeble knees (Third Sunday of Advent, West Camel)
4/12/2016 The Shoot from the Stump in the Advent of Trump (Second Sunday of Advent, Sutton Montis)
20/11/2016 The Uprising Begins: God becomes King (Christ the King, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
13/11/2016 What kind of God? (Remembrance Sunday, Queen Camel)
6/11/2016 If only we believed only in life! To God all are alive (Third Sunday Before Advent, Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde)
30/10/2016 Saving Christianity: how to love your enemies without submission or retaliation (All Saints’ Sunday, West Camel, Sutton Montis)
23/10/2016 How the privileged talk about the unprivileged - and how the unprivileged speak of themselves (Last Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel 'Together at Ten')
16/10/2016 On our relationship with scripture (Twenty First Sunday of Trinity, Corton Denham)
9/10/2016 The one who came back (Twentieth Sunday of Trinity, Sutton Montis)
18/9/2016 Forgive anyway! (Seventeenth Sunday of Trinity, Queen Camel w West Camel, Corton Denham w Sutton Montis)
11/9/2016 Living where lost and found collide (Sixteenth Sunday of Trinity, Weston Bampfylde w Sparkford, Sutton Montis w Corton Denham)
4/9/2016 Carrying our cross in the Anthropocene (Fifteenth Sunday of Trinity, Sparkford w Weston Bampfylde)
28/8/2016 It Cannot Stop at Soggy Bottoms: Values Beyond Bake Off in an Inhospitable World (Fourteenth Sunday of Trinity, Weston Bampfylde 'Together at Ten' joint benefice service)
21/8/2016 The Re-Creation of the Sunday Girl (Thirteenth Sunday of Trinity, West Camel, Sutton Montis w Corton Denham)
7/8/2016 Faith is not knowing whether to laugh or cry (Eleventh Sunday of Trinity, Corton Denham w Sutton Montis)
31/7/2016 The rabbi who didn't play by the rules, and his story of a stupid rich man (Tenth Sunday of Trinity, Queen Camel w West Camel, Weston Bampfylde w Sparkford)
24/7/2016 I know this is the way the world is, because Donald Trump told me / Lord, teach me how to pray (Ninth Sunday of Trinity, Sparkford 'Together at Ten' Benefice service, West Camel Methodist Church)
17/7/2016 Illuminating what makes Martha mad (Eighth Sunday of Trinity, Corton Denham w Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde w Sparkford)
10/7/2016 Not for ourselves alone, but for the whole world were we born: the Good Samaritan on Sea Sunday (Seventh Sunday of Trinity, Sea Sunday, Sutton Montis w Corton Denham, Queen Camel w West Camel)
3/7/2016 The good news is a conversation, not a formula (Sixth Sunday of Trinity, Sparkford w Weston Bampfylde, West Camel w Queen Camel)
19/6/2016 After Mateen and Mair: Overcoming Legion in our village (Fourth Sunday of Trinity, Queen Camel)
12/6/2016 Do you object to being a subject? (Service of Thanksgiving for the 90th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Sparkford, West Camel, Queen Camel)
15/5/2016 On loving, but losing Eurovision, and other Babels of our time (Pentecost, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
8/5/2016 We are One? Cultivating the strong-benign identity (Seventh Sunday of Easter, Queen Camel)
1/5/2016 At the Sheep Gate - Saved from Sacrifice (Sixth Sunday of Easter, Sparkford)
24/4/2016 Peter's funny picnic: gesture politics of the most powerful kind? (Fifth Sunday of Easter, Queen Camel "Together at Ten', West Camel Methodist Church)
17/4/2016 On being sheep (Fourth Sunday of Easter, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
3/4/2016 Thomas - faith in two minds (Second Sunday of Easter, Sutton Montis)
27/3/2016 The Resurrection - it's all about Mary (Easter Sunday, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
20/3/2016 The donkey-king is coming! Jesus’ crowd is a Flash Mob (Palm Sunday of Lent, Sparkford)
13/3/2016 Poor Mary - Jesus' prophet, not a pawn in Judas’s game (Fifth Sunday of Lent, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
21/2/2016 Scattering and gathering: brooding over Jerusalem (Second Sunday of Lent, Queen Camel, Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde, Corton Denham)
14/2/2016 The temptations of Jesus and the horsemeat scandal (2016 version) (First Sunday of Lent, Queen Camel, Corton Denham)
7/2/2016 The Transfiguration: taking notice of clouds (The Sunday Next Before Lent, Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde)
31/1/2016 Jesus in the Temple and the baby in McDonalds: finding Heaven in the Ordinary (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, West Camel, Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde)
24/1/2016 The global enterprise with a different set of values (United Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Davis Hall West Camel)
17/1/2016 Jesus: One for the Community (Epiphany 2, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
10/1/2016 Luke 3 - The baptism of Jesus and the baptism of John (Baptism of Christ, Corton Denham)
3/1/2016 Wise men kneeling (Epiphany, Sparkford)
27/12/2015 Celebrating the obsessions of twelve-year-olds (Christmas 1, Queen Camel)
20, 24, 25/12/2015 Becoming human - the shepherds' instinct, the magis' hunch (Christmas, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde, Corton Denham)
25/12/2015 Christmas Night - A Confectionery (Christmas Day, Corton Denham)
13/12/2015 The judgement of Jesus and the Judgement of John (2015) (Third Sunday of Advent, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
6/12/2015 A letter from John the Baptiser (Second Sunday of Advent, Sparkford, West Camel 'TeaTime')
29/11/2015 Promises, promises: or just empty words? (Advent Sunday, West Camel, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
15/11/2012 James Bond, ISIS, and the myth of redemptive violence (2015 - Spectre - version) (Second Sunday before Advent: Sparkford, West Camel)
8/11/2015 What did they bring back from the war? (The Jonah version) (Remembrance Sunday, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
25/10/2015 Bartimaeus - Believing is seeing (2015) (Last Sunday after Trinity, West Camel Methodist Church)
18/10/2015 The High Priest of Melchizedek in Fantasy meltdown (Trinity 20, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, West Camel)
9 and 10/2015 The land is sacred (2015) (Harvest Thanksgiving Services, West Camel, Sutton Montis, Corton Denham)
11/10/2015 Love comes blinking through the needle's eye (Trinity 19 - Weston Bampfylde)
20/9/2015 Restless hearts, open arms (Trinity 16 - Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
13/9/2015 On calling God names (Trinity 15 - Queen Camel, West Camel, Corton Denham)
6/9/2015 Jesus, the New Creation, and us (Trinity 14 - Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde, West Camel 'TeaTime')
16/8/2015 Christians ate my flesh: before the myth of sacrifice comes the murder (Trinity 11 - Queen Camel, Sparkford)
9/8/2015 The bread of life 2: Living in love (Trinity 10 - All Saints West Camel, West Camel Methodist Church)
2/8/2015 The bread of life 1: Barbara uses her loaf (Trinity 9 - Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde)
26/7/2015 The famished craving: He has given us so much - that we want him to give us more (Trinity 8 - Joint Benefice Service, followed by a picnic, West Camel)
19/7/2015 Flesh it out with Jesus (Trinity 7 - Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Sutton Montis)
12/7/2015 Mark 6 - Herod the haunted (Trinity 6 - Corton Denham)
5/7/2012 In our village Jesus has no place (Trinity 5 - Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde)
28/6/2015 If God did not make death, we need to talk about it (Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel 'Together at Ten')
21/6/2015 On a boat with Jesus - on the rocks with God (Third Sunday after Trinity, Weston Bampfylde)
14/6/2015 Magna Carta and Mustard Seeds - defining the Kingdom (Second Sunday after Trinity, Queen Camel, Sutton Montis, Corton Denham)
7/6/2015 Jesus - was he mad or was he evil? (First Sunday after Trinity, Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde)
31/5/2015 On Trinity Sunday - Are you a teacher... and yet you do not understand these things? (Trinity Sunday, West Camel, Queen Camel)
17/5/2015 John 17 - God's protection (Seventh Sunday of Easter, Corton Denham, West Camel)
10/5/2015 On bearing fruit (Sixth Sunday of Easter, Sparkford CafeXtra - improvised, West Camel)
3/5/2015 Acts 8 - Turning slaughter to salvation (Fifth Sunday of Easter, Sparkford)
19/4/2015 The disabled God, fully alive (Third Sunday of Easter, Queen Camel, West Camel, West Camel Methodist Church)
5/4/2015 Easter: unreliable witnesses (Easter Sunday, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
3/4/2015 He Never Said a Mumblin' Word (Good Friday, West Camel)
29/3/2015 Jesus' crowd is a Flash Mob (2015) (Palm Sunday, Weston Bampfylde)
22/3/2015 On preaching (Fifth Sunday of Lent, West Camel, Sparkford, Corton Denham)
8/3/2015 On interceding (Third Sunday of Lent, Queen Camel)
18/2/2015 Why am I (still) carrying a stone? (Ash Wednesday, Queen Camel)
8/2/2015 Reconciling Creation (Second Sunday before Lent, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
1/2/2015 Luke 2 - Celebrating the character of faithful old men (Presentation of Christ in the Temple: Sparkford, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
18/1/2015 I am Charlie Hebrew: Jesus, the world’s satirist par excellence (Epiphany 2, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
4/1/2015 They came from another place - they left by a different road (Epiphany, Sutton Montis)
25/12/2014 Christmas Day - Living the Word (Christmas Day Service, Queen Camel)
24/12/2014 Mapping out the Saviour's territory (Christmas Eve Midnight Service, West Camel)
21/12/2014 Pregnant with the possibilities of God (Advent 4, Sparkford, Corton Denham)
14/12/2014 Christmas is really for the children? (Advent 3, Queen Camel, Sutton Montis, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
30/11/2014 What did they bring back from the war? (Advent Sunday, St Andrew, Corton Denham)
16/11/2014 Exploring Worship - Introductory talk (2 before Advent, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
9/11/2014 The Beatitudes - Christianity with its eyes wide open (Remembrance Sunday, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
2/11/2014 Matthew 5 - The saints as signs of contradiction (All Saints Day, Sutton Montis)
19/10/2014 Luke 24 - Emmaus Road - Surprised by Joy (West Camel Methodist Church Anniversary Service)
19/10/2014 A win-win answer to a lose-lose question (Trinity 18, Queen Camel, Sparkford, West Camel)
11/10/2014 Matthew 22 - Never let a man arrange a wedding (Trinity 17, Weston Bampfylde)
14/9/2014 The Parable of the King Who Failed to Keep Forgiving, or ‘What if the Messiah Came and Nothing Changed?’ (Trinity 13, Queen Camel, West Camel, Corton Denham)
7/9/2014 On crime, punishment, and the cross (Trinity 12, Sutton Montis)
31/8/2014 Take off your cross - to examine it awhile (Trinity 11, West Camel w. Queen Camel, Sparkford w. Weston Bampfylde)
17/8/2014 Dealing with your enemies: the Joshua way, or the Jesus way? (Trinity 9, Corton Denham w. Sutton Montis, Queen Camel w. West Camel)
10/8/2014 He took a leap of faith - and though he fell, he did not drown (Trinity 8, Sutton Montis w. Corton Denham, West Camel w. Queen Camel)
3/8/2014 The Feeding of the Five Thousand - a miracle set in wartime (Trinity 7, Queen Camel w. West Camel)
20/7/2014 The Trojan Horse and the Weeds and the Wheat - how can we oppose evil without being made evil ourselves? (Trinity 5, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, Weston Bampfylde)
13/7/2014 Matthew 13 - The Prodigal Sower (Trinity 4, Queen Camel, West Camel, Corton Denham)
6/7/2014 On becoming unburdened (Trinity 3, Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde)
29/6/2014 No sacrifice necessary - The Lord will provide (Trinity 2,West Camel, Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde)
22/6/2014 The Baptised are not a family (Trinity 1,'Together at Ten' service at Queen Camel)
15/6/2014 Trinity Sunday: Things Come in Threes (Trinity Sunday, Queen Camel, Corton Denham, West Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
1/6/2014 Being One 'as we are one' (Easter 7, Sutton Montis, Weston Bampfylde)
18/5/2014 John 14 - Stephen - the gaze of the protomartyr (Easter 5, Queen Camel, Sparkford, West Camel)
11/5/2014 John 10 - At the Sheep Gate - Saved from Sacrifice (Easter 4, Queen Camel, Corton Denham)
6/5/2014 Celebrating the Ordinary: Walking the M62 (Cam Vale Men's Fellowship, Queens Arms, Corton Denham)
4/5/2014 Journeying with Jesus (Easter 3, Sutton Montis, West Camel)
20/4/2014 The Morning People (Easter Day, Queen Camel, Weston Bampfylde)
13/4/2014 Jesus - a funny sort of king (Palm Sunday Benefice Service at Weston Bampfylde)
6/4/2014 Man Up #1 - If only you had been here, my brother would not have died (Lent 5, Sparkford, Weston Bampfylde)
10/1/2014 He came to his own (Davis Hall, West Camel)
Talks given as a guest preacher during my hiatus in ministry.
5/1/2014 Holly Willoughby’s Nightmare (is God’s nightmare too) (Christmas 2, Waterloo United Free Church)
1/12/2013 Left behind with Jesus, (Advent 1, Waterloo United Free Church)
24/11/2013 Jesus - killing the king, raising the Kingdom (Christ the King, Church of Ss Asaph and Cyndeyrn, Llanasa)
20/10/2013 The good builder and the cowboy builder (Trinity 21, Proper 24: St Gabriel's, Toxteth)
Talks given as vicar of the Benefice of Whitegate with Little Budworth, Cheshire.
1/9/2013 Friend, move up higher (Trinity 14, Proper 17: Whitegate)
18/8/2013 Christian Family Values - an incendiary approach (Trinity 12, Proper 15: Whitegate)
11/8/2013 Dressed for action: Mary Sumner (Trinity 11, Proper 14: Whitegate, Little Budworth, Mothers Union dedication and commissioning service)
28/7/2013 Let the weeds and the wheat grow together until the harvest (Trinity 9, Proper 12: Whitegate)
21/7/2013 Illuminating what makes Martha mad (Trinity 8, Proper 11: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
14/7/2013 The Polish builder and the rescue team: the Good Samaritan today (Trinity 7, Proper 10: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
7/7/2013 Christ's disciples in a world of acceptance or rejection (Trinity 6, Proper 9: Whitegate)
30/6/2013 The prophets - home wreckers or home builders? (Trinity 5, Proper 8: Whitegate)
30/6/2013 Galatians 5 - Giving up the Party spirit (Trinity 5, Proper 8: Whitegate)
23/6/2013 Luke 8 - Overcoming Legion in our village (Trinity 4, Proper 7: Little Budworth)
16/6/2013 Luke 7 - Ruptured rituals and transformed taboos (Trinity 3, Proper 6: Whitegate)
9/6/2013 Respecting the widows - and a request to government (Trinity 2, Proper 5: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
2/6/2013 On being under authority (Trinity 1, Proper 4: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
12/5/2013 John 17 - Presence in absence, absence in presence (Easter 7: Sunday after Ascension: Little Budworth)
12/5/2013 John 17 - Unity - without a victim (Easter 7: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
9/5/2013 Up (Ascension Day: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
5/5/2013 Where we are placed on the way to the city (Easter 6: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
28/4/2013 We are Resurrection People (Easter 5: Whitegate)
28/4/2013 Acts 11 - Peter's funny picnic (Easter 5: Whitegate, Little Budworth)
21/4/2013 On being prepared to understand the scriptures (Easter 4: Little Budworth)
Talks given as team vicar to the churches of the Northmoor Team, West Devon.
31/3/2013 We are Resurrection People (Easter Sunday: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Lydford, Germansweek)
10/3/2013 The bulrushes and the benefit system - celebrating battling mothers (Mothering Sunday: Bridestowe, Lydford, Germansweek)
3/3/2013 Repentance and reorientation - breaking the bonds of blame (Lent 3: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
17/2/2013 The temptations of Jesus and the horsemeat scandal (Lent 1: Bratton Clovelly, Sourton)
13/2/2013 On prayer which gets involved (Ash Wednesday: Bratton Clovelly benefice service)
10/2/2013 Why am I carrying a stone? (Sunday Next Before Lent: Bridestowe Celebration Praise service)
10/2/2013 Luke 9 - On mountaintop experiences (Sunday Next Before Lent: Bridestowe, Lydford)
3/2/2013 Luke 2 - Celebrating the character of faithful old men (Presentation of Christ in the Temple: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
27/1/2013 Learning Coooperation in the Body (Epiphany 4: Bridestowe, Lydford)
20/1/2013 Intemperate Christianity - the good news (Epiphany 3: Bratton Clovelly, Sourton - previously preached at Bridestowe and Lydford in 2012)
13/1/2013 Luke 3 - The baptism of Jesus and the baptism of John (Baptism of Christ: Bridestowe, Lydford)
6/1/2013 Matthew 2- They left by another road (Epiphany: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
31/12/12 Celebrating the obsessions of twelve year-old boys (Christmas 1: Joint Benefice Service, Bridestowe)
24/12/2012 John 1 - Finding the right word (Christmas Eve: Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
23/12/2012 Mary's Song of great reversal (Fourth Sunday of Advent: Lydford)
16/12/2012 The judgement of Jesus and the judgement of John (Third Sunday of Advent: Bratton Clovelly, Sourton)
2/12/2012 Promises, promses: or just empty words? (First Sunday of Advent: Sourton)
1/12/2012 Woven together in a new formation (Launch of The Friends of St Bridget's Church, Bridestowe)
11/11/12 In search of leadership in a time of darkness (Bridestowe, Sourton Remembrance Sunday service, previously preached at Lydford, 13/11/2011)
4/11/12 There is no death, in Christ (All Saints' Day: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
28/10/12 Bartimaeus - Believing is seeing (Last Sunday after Trinity: Bridestowe, Lydford)
14/10/2012 The rich man's God or the God of the victims? (Trinity 19 - Bridestowe, Lydford)
7/10/2012 Touching the suffering (Trinity 18: Bratton Clovelly)
30/9/2012 The land is sacred (Joint Benefice Harvest Festival, Bratton Clovelly)
16/9/2012 Heroes in an age of lost innocence (Battle of Britain Memorial Service, Bridestowe)
16/9/2012 Wisdom cries out in the street (Trinity 15: Bratton Clovelly, Sourton)
10/9/2012 Wealth creation at harvest-time - on being rich towards God (Harvest Festival, Mary Tavy Methodist Church)
9/9/2012 James 2, Mark 7: How do people know what you believe? (Trinity 14: Bridestowe, Lydford)
2/9/2012 Mark 7 - What defiles a person? (Trinity 13: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
12/8/2012 John 6: And death shall have no dominion (Trinity 14: Bridestowe)
5/8/2012 John 6: The bread of life and the growth to maturity (Trinity 9: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
29/7/2012 John 6 - The famished craving (Trinity 8 - Joint Benefice Service, Sourton)
22/7/2012 Flesh it out with Jesus (Trinity 7 - Bridestowe, Lydford)
15/7/2012 Mark 6 - Herod the haunted (Trinity 6 - Bratton Clovelly, Sourton)
8/7/2012 In our village Jesus has no place (Trinity 5 - Bridestowe, Lydford)
1/7/2012 From Empire to Commonwealth (Northmoor Team Ministry Flower Festival, themed 'The Queen's Commonwealth', Bridestowe)
24/6/2012 Jesus' boat is a pirate boat (Trinity 3 - Bratton Clovelly, Bridestowe, Lydford)
17/6/2012 Father's Hands (Father's Day services, Trinity 2 - Bratton Clovelly, Sourton, Germansweek)
3/6/2012 Do you object to being a subject? (Service of Thanksgiving for the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Lydford, Sourton, and by proxy, Bratton Clovelly and Germansweek)
27/5/2012 There is a flame moving through the nation (Pentecost - Bridestowe, Lydford)
20/5/2012 John 17 - God's protection (Easter 7, Sunday after Ascension - Bratton Clovelly, Sourton)
13/5/2012 Genesis 6 - All Aboard! (Rogation Sunday - Hall Farm, Lydford)
6/5/2012 Acts 8 - Turning slaughter to salvation (Easter 5 - Sourton, Bratton Clovelly)
29/4/2012 John 10 - On being sheep (Easter 4: Joint Benefice Service, Lydford)
22/4/2012 The disciples - joy in disbelieving (Easter 3: Bridestowe, Lydford)
15/4/2012 Thomas - faith in two minds (Easter 2: Bratton Clovelly)
8/4/2012 Surprised by Joy (Easter Day: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Lydford, Germansweek)
25/3/2012 John 12 - Now is the judgment of this world (Passion Sunday, Lent 5: Bridestowe, Lydford)
11/3/2012 John 2 - Turning the tables on the taxman (Lent 3: Bridestowe, Lydford)
4/3/2012 What's in a name? (Lent 2: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly, Germansweek)
26/2/2012 Mark 1 - After the waters, the wilderness (Lent 1: Bridestowe, Okehampton)
22/2/2012 Ash Wednesday - On turning (Ash Wednesday: joint benefice service, Lydford)
19/02/2012 On mountaintop experiences (Sunday Next before Lent: Bratton Clovelly and Sourton)
05/02/2012 Mark 1- The slow unveiling of the man of mystery (3 before Lent: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly and Germansweek)
22/01/2012 Intemperate Christianity - the good news (Epiphany 3: Bridestowe and Lydford)
15/01/2012 Nathaniel and the new vision of God (Epiphany 2: Bratton Clovelly and Sourton)
08/01/2012 Epiphany - dreamers and stargazers (Epiphany: Lydford)
01/01/2012 At the year's turning: with Mary, pondering (Naming and Circumcision of Christ: Sourton, Germansweek, and by proxy, Bridestowe)
25/12/2011 Be my baby (Christmas Day: Sourton, Lydford)
24/12/2011 Zechariah - considering new possibilities (Christmas Eve: Bratton Clovelly, Bridestowe)
18/12/2011 When he told me I was pregnant (Fourth Sunday of Advent: Okehampton Mothers Union, Bratton Clovelly)
03/12/2011 A letter from John the Baptiser (Second Sunday of Advent: Sourton, Bratton Clovelly and - read by Maurie Webber - at Germansweek. Also preached at Bridestowe and Lydford, on 11/11/2011)
27/11/2011 Mark 13 - "Watch" (Advent Sunday: Bridestowe, Lydford)
For my talks archive (prior to Advent Sunday 2011) see here.
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