... So here Jesus is presenting this violent theology which separates wheat from weeds, where those who are wheat keenly anticipate an end-time of fiery hell for the weeds we condemn. And into this, Jesus injects a line which sounds absurd to all the gardeners and farmers listening, saying, “don’t bother separating the weeds from the wheat. Let them grow together until the harvest.”
In a camel-through-the-eye-of-a-needle sort-of way this statement of Jesus is memorably nonsensical. That’s no way to garden. And that’s an impossible task to perform at harvest-time. Jesus is painting the whole idea of wheat and weeds and hellfire as an absurdity.
Do you get what this must mean? It must mean an end to our separating ourselves from others and in judgment condemning those others to hell. It must mean a beginning of our growing together with others towards the bright fulfilment of God’s good purposes for us all. ...
- from my talk today, Jesus the satirical gardener on the road to the future of God.
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