Today it was announced that the Bishop of Taunton has appointed me as Rector of Cam Vale Benefice, a group of six rural churches within a five mile radius of each other, either side of the River Cam just east of Yeovil.
It is a delight to be called to serve God in a lovely part of Somerset, and (from the impression gained during our two days of orientation and interview) among some lovely people, in a benefice which is quite 'mature' (ie. they've been working together for 26 years and are happy to continue doing so). (More in the Parish Profile pdf)
Plans are in hand for a service of Institution and Welcome for Monday 31 March at 7.00pm with the Bishop of Taunton and the Archdeacon of Wells. I shall pass on further details in due course.
There's a nice symmetry about the date: 31st March will be exactly a year since my final services in Devon - on Easter Sunday 2013. I'll be in post to celebrate Easter 2014 in Somerset. And it was lovely to receive an email today from Cam Vale's previous rector, Revd Michael Perry, who tells me that he's dipped into my blog off and on for several years (I hope the congregations haven't heard too many of my sermons before) and is 'utterly thrilled' that God has called me to the Cam Vale Churches.
We loved living in Lydford and serving the people of the Northmoor team, and only family reasons took us away. From there, this West Country benefice is about one-third of the journey north up the M5 to the North-West, which means that we'll be able to keep alive our friendships in West Devon as well as being more easily accessible to family and friends on Merseyside: a perfect 'compromise'.
Diana and I want to thank everyone who has helped and supported us over this past year. Since my untimely resignation from Whitegate and Little Budworth we've often visited the Slough of Despond and the Vale of Tears, and been through very many Dark Nights of the Soul, and your kindness and prayers have kept us going through twenty-one job applications and six unsuccessful interviews (and one job I was offered but had to turn down for financial reasons). Now we've reached Cam Vale we pray that God will smooth our path for a kinder, better journey ahead.
So - if you've asked how we're doing, written references for me, said a prayer, suggested jobs, offered me a pulpit or the occasional crematorium celebrant role - or, in a couple of cases, a house! - many thanks.
The Diocese of Chester have extended their hospitality to us so that we can stay in Whitegate Vicarage until we move, which we imagine will be early in March. We will then be living in the Rectory at Queen Camel. Numbers etc to follow.
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