... We should not be surprised that we live in a judgmental society. For this is the way of the world. It is the way that the ruler of this world, the devil himself, wants us to be. He wants us to be like those guests smiling politely at their host around the meal table on Come Dine With Me, and tearing their host apart as soon as she leaves the room, for human conflict, division, and distress are the goal of the ruler of this world. What is the opposite of human flourishing? Where people diminish each other and tear each other apart. That’s the intention of the ruler of this world. And that’s why we live in a judgmental society.
Sadly we listen too much to the ruler of this world. Our churches are by no means immune to judgmentalism and divisiveness. Stop a moment to consider how you talk about those in the pews around you, or in the village you live in. But today, Passion Sunday, encourages us to listen to another voice on this subject. The voice of one condemned by the judgements of the world, condemned to die a dissident’s death by crucifixion, the voice of one who turned around the judgements of the world against him, turned those very judgements back onto the ruler of this world. No statement in any court of law at any time in history has greater significance than the words which Jesus told his disciples about the meaning of the cross:
‘Now is the judgement of this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out.’
Jesus on the cross is the judgement of this world. For Jesus on the cross reveals the ways of the world for what they are - the opposite of human flourishing, where people diminish each other and tear each other apart. The onlookers at the cross knew they were watching an innocent man die - a man innocent of malice, innocent of hatred, innocent of anything except his claim to be the architect of a new way of life for the world, a way which put God at the centre and where the consequence for people’s lives would be to live in love for each other - the kingdom of God, a world of of human flourishing. ...
Today's talk, Now is the judgement of this world: probably my best stab so far at a talk about the intelligence of the victim, without using the term 'the intelligence of the victim', but talking about Simon Cowell instead.
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