A voice cries out,
'Prepare in the wilderness
a road for God'
Isaiah 40.3
Working through advent with Ruth Burgess' Wild Goose book Hear My Cry. The Isaiah reading makes me think again about roads, which were for quite some time the one-and-only theme for me (see my other blog Walking the M62). The theme of preparation: recalling all those struggling men who hacked out large corridors of Britain in the push for motorways in the 1960s and 70s, their story captured poignantly in Ewan MacColl and Charles Parker's BBC Radio Ballad, Song of a Road, with its descriptive track titles including We Needed a Way Cut Through the Land, Sixty Tons of Steel, What Made You Come into This Game?, Come All You Gallant Drivers and I'm a Roving Rambler. Preparation is a rough, rugged, difficult task, and it relates well to my Advent prayer life at present. But the other trigger-point is thinking about the visionaries of the 1920s and 30s corporations who created the great out-of-town estates, neat houses with gardens front and back, tree-lined avenues, space for air and play - new homes for those previously crammed into inner-city slums (see eg my paper Towards an Urban Theology of Land). Preparation follows vision; results in something better. An advent theme with promise....
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